I grew up in the deserts of west Texas where my father was an oil hand and high school teacher, and my mother was an elementary school teacher and church music minister. My family moved continually throughout my childhood as we fled the oil busts and followed the booms until we settled in Midland, Texas when I was a young teenager. Throughout high school I was involved in music and theatre and have never lost my love for the arts. I moved a bit east for college and attended Baylor University for my undergraduate where I studied English and worked as a Middle English transcriber. After my undergraduate years I took two years off from school, then returned to begin my studies for my Master’s degree in English at Texas A&M. I began thinking I would be a specialist in medieval literature, but as I settled into my academic identity, I found myself drawn to rhetoric. During my studies, I met the man who would be my husband, and we were married the summer after I finished my M.A.
Immediately after I graduated with my Master’s, I began my PhD studies, also at A&M, but this time in the Communication department. I chose a focus in Rhetoric and Public Affairs. I was a successful and popular teacher, and in my time taught eight different courses for the communication department. In 2010, I took a semester off and had a baby, completing my family.
In the fall of 2010 my family moved to New York for my first academic appointment at SUNY Brockport where I worked as a Visiting Assistant Professor while I finished my dissertation. In 2011 I became Dr. Thorpe, and in 2012 I secured a tenure track position and became an Assistant Professor. I received tenure in 2012. I continue to work at SUNY Brockport, winning multiple teaching commendations and getting a number of publications along the way, to the present. I am the host of a popular podcast and creative writer. I live in Brockport with my husband, my child, and our very active and adorable cat.